The 2011 LEXUS Love Is Art Project - Atlanta was a one-night charitable art exhibit designed to promote human rights and equality, created by LOVE IS ART founder Jeremy Brown, presented by Lexus. The art exhibit showcased twenty black & white paintings created by twenty anonymous metro Atlanta-based couples. Each couple was given a LOVE IS ART kit and was instructed to craft their very own unique masterpiece. The twenty couples were chosen with zero barriers to race, gender, sexual orientation, age, heritage or religion. During the exhibit, there was a brief demographic snapshot of each anonymous couple next to each painting, with each painting sharing the same title - LOVE. The aim of this project was to showcase that once labels placed on each couple are removed - love is love. Love is a unique, unifying force within all of us.

The 2011 TOYOTA Love Is Art Project - Detroit was a one-night charitable art exhibit designed to promote human rights and equality, created by LOVE IS ART founder Jeremy Brown, presented by Toyota. The art exhibit showcased twenty black & white paintings created by twenty anonymous metro Detroit-based couples. Each couple was given a LOVE IS ART kit and was instructed to craft their very own unique masterpiece. The twenty couples were chosen with zero barriers to race, gender, sexual orientation, age, heritage or religion. During the exhibit, there was a brief demographic snapshot of each anonymous couple next to each painting, with each painting sharing the same title - LOVE. The aim of this project was to showcase that once labels placed on each couple are removed - love is love. Love is a unique, unifying force in all of us.

2011 - Stylesight Loft - Manhattan, NY
During the 2011 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, LOVE IS ART hosted a one-night exhibit at the STYLESIGHT Loft in Manhattan, in celebration of's one year anniversary. LIA exhibited five paintings, each crafted by a different couple, with each couple representing a unique demographic make-up (black, white, gay, lesbian and interracial). Each painting was titled "LOVE", promoting that regardless of the demographic characteristics of each couple, love is love, a constant variable among the five couples. During the exhibit, LIA founder Jeremy Brown performed a live art presentation, as a tribute to the state of NY for accepting same sex marriage. Brown painted two nude female models with black paint, and then pressed their naked bodies up against a canvas with the models looking at each other and holding hands, portraying a female couple. Brown then had the models spray paint "We Heart NYC" on to the canvas, showcasing the couple's gratitude to the state of New York for their support.
The 2010 Love Is Art Project - Atlanta was a one-night exhibit in Atlanta, created & curated by LIA founder, Jeremy Brown. The exhibit showcased 12 white & black paintings, created by 12 anonymous Atlanta based couples. Each couple was given a LOVE IS ART kit, and instructed to craft their own unique masterpiece while sharing their love for each other. The twelve couples were chosen with zero barriers to race, gender, sexual preferences, age, height, culture or religion. According to Brown, "Once you remove all the labels placed on each couple, love is love." The premise of the project was to promote human rights and equality, showcasing love as a common force among us all.